Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Post 09: Worship Without Expectations


Ketu is all about erratic, haphazard, Quantum unpredictable movements twisting past, present, future into one "Dark" (most popular sci fi series on Netflix of all time) moment of rapture/ rupture. πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ
Last two weeks because of frozen Jupiter in Rohini (3) Navamsa, Taurus sign, (from 23 Dec 2024 to 18 March 2025) my long prevaling ailment connected to Head Neck nerves had SUDDENLY escalated. But again, SUDDENLY  three days back, SUDDENLY I connected the dots, and out of blue I had got a healing Nakshatra Ganapati mantra. Which magically diminished the hideous problem in the classic style of Louise Hay and her healing affirmations. But my healing mantra was purely Vedic and that too.. a healing Nakshatra Ganapati mantra. When it worked .. I  wondered for three days and nights.. why? How? .. the answer I got today πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

During Covid second lock down, 2021 I had spent  lot of time in the residence of my friends in Noida, Sector 27.  Where during my day long prayers and rituals afforded by Global Lockdown,  I had discovered the Nakshatra Ganapati Mantras. Today when I came to visit her mom, she said that, after her husband's departure to heavenly abode, she had stayed in the SAME ROOM of her daughter's home for ONE YEAR..  and strange things begun happening for her..
.. at 68 years, she had a dream of the Late iconic  Assamese singer Bhupen Hazarika ( who had passed away at the same time). She had no connection with him, not much of a particular fan, not much knowledge of his songs. But in her elaborate dream in that room, he came for tea and lunch to her household, covered in fragrant flowers, and finally told her to sing his songs..
In the years that followed, at 70 plus age, she began singing his songs and rose to great popularity and recognition despite her massive age and average voice, She became part of uncountable cultural committees, uncountable functions and even.  STARTED writing books. Not to mention uncountable lyrics and poems. After spending her entire life as a  simple householder/ homemaker...
.. strange I discovered the Nakshatra Ganapati Mantras during Covid Lockdown 2021, second wave, in the same room..
Below is her video in Assamese, talking about worshipping to God without expectations.
Her name is the ONLY reference I'm providing in this narrative.. Buli Bhuyan..
πŸ™πŸΌOm Simha Ganapataye Namah πŸ™πŸΌ

,πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌwhat she is sayingπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Whenever you pray /Worship to God.. . so without expectations ..

God gives on His/ Her Own..

..according to the Karma of the person ...  And when ..

When God is Happy.. God Gives...

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Post 08: 8th Feb, Maha Kumbh, Triveni Sangam ghat

In my long meandering astrological/ spiritual journey of 25 years plus, I was able to witness TWO major COSMIC GLOBAL EVENTS..
Jupiter+ Pluto + Saturn conjunction which occurs every 100 years.. 2020..COVID.. global shutdown, reset button for entire planet..
Maha Kumbh which occurs every 144 years, according to Jupiter position with other planets. 

I was initially very complacent, lazy, overconfident due to Prayagraj being very near to Delhi. I did not realise 50 crore plus people (50,00,00,000), 500 million people would show up for holy dip at Prayagraj. I was completely blocked, unable to reach by road, train, air, due to overbooking and one third of Indian population travelling to Kumbh. Finally on 7th Feb I could manage to leave with a friend and his family by road and managed to take holy dip on 8th Feb 2025. Praying for my ancestors, pitras, all my karmic generational sins. It was the most landmark spiritual event of my life so far.

You can google 500 million plus posts on Maha Kumbh 2025, Triveni Sangam ghat, Prayagraj to know more about it.. but this being a Ketu Currents blog.. I want to relate one bizarre, erratic, event that happened to me, your narrator..the friendly neighborhood Ketu guy.. πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Before I commenced the five kilometres trek to the Triveni Sangam ghat, I had an erratic thought. I called out to Ma Kali, that I needed a metal chain to wear around my neck FROM the ghat itself. As an energy totem of this cosmic event. Yes, my requests to Ma Kali are always erratic, weird, tangential. Later after the holy dip, amidst 10 Lakhs people moving around the banks, at that hour, I did find a guy selling metal shiny Rajasthani metal chains. I bought three. And once I returned to Delhi, I joined them and wore them, realising they were feminine payals, anklets women wore around their feet. Flashback to 2012 when my Energy guide DRK, in my energy initiation ritual, told me to meditate on the feet of Ma Kali, and ONLY the feet. So finally after 13 years, the payals, the anklets of holy mother ended up around my neck, upon my heart, at the Triveni Sangam ghat of Prayagraj.. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸŒŸ❤️❤️πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Post 07: On a Dreary Cold Winter Night..

On this dreary cold winter night in Delhi, πŸ₯Ά πŸ₯Ά πŸ₯Ά whilst recovering from food poisoning, rapidly leading to continuous vomitting and loose motions, I, surprisingly and contradictorily pause, to give gratitude to the universe, for making me an astrologer, and, helping me UNDERSTAND the catharsis, the significant ON SCHEDULE  karmic redemption process, because of the double ongoing current transits of Debilitated + Retrograde Mars across Cancer, and Retrograde Jupiter's re- transition through my 8th house, πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά, yes, that  chilling scary house. Both Jupiter and Mars among other things rule over stomach, acids, intestines. Hence..

12 Jan.. Retrograde Mars moves into Gemini for sometime πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ.. better .

As I quote repeatedly in my Energy Clearing Blog, especially in the summary page,( link πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Energy Clearing Blog)..  negative planetary transits are opportunities for karmic redemption, catharsis, purgation, on cosmic schedule... Ultimately.. Helping us to evolve..

As we are always UNCONDITIONALLY grateful for the brightness of vivacious spring, so should we have the capacity to admire the astrological significance of the darker transits. The cold, dreary, emptiness of an winter filled with ennui and entropy...

Vedic Astrology gives such dark transits thier significance, their dark beauty, their geometry of cold penance..  especially one  particular planet .... πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά..

Hence, of my three blogs, I find this one repeatedly APT to rapidly jot down my random, headless moments..
..the erratic/ Sublime perceptions..
.. of Ketu Currents..

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Post 06: Maa Kali.. the Quantum

On a (contuning) lonely impulse of delight, I continue this erratic Ketu series of posts, in this Ketu Currents blog..

Why? Because in between the crazy roller coaster of daily life, the planetary transits, the journalling, instagram, life, clients, what's app, etc , there's NO pause, there's no Repose, no tall observation tower, from which, you can sit away and observe your ongoing life...

These series of posts are like a Machaan, high up in an jungle, a observation post, up in the tree, where you can sit up and make observations/ notes about the jungle of life, that you're already thick and thin.. in...

LIKE the WATCHER/ monitor up in their satellites (Marvel comics). Or like any regular weather satellites πŸ›°️πŸ›°️ observing all weather phenomenon below. Or even like a weather airplane..

About concrete UTILITY of such a series of posts I cannot predetermine any. In the style of Ketu, they're completely erratic, random, and affected upon me by the sublime..

A Lonely impulse of delight
brought me to the tumult
In these clouds..
( An Irish Airman Foresees His Death- W.B. Yeats)

Maa Kali.. the Quantum

The photograph above is around 2:30 am at annual Maa Kali Puja, C Block, C.R. Park, South Delhi. Even though I was in the marsh of a resilient viral fever, relentless infection, cough, horrible congestion, Maa Kali made sure I stood entire night upto 3am involved in her prayers.

Next day I also accompanied everyone for the Visarjan ( Farewell/ Idol immersion), to an industrial area, backwater pond at Faridabad. Once the rituals were completed I was allowed to be sick again, ill again. Returning to my prarabdh karma, as per karmic schedules...

Yes, Maa Kali can pause time, so you can do the needful urgent thing. And once it's completed, return back to your ongoing syllabus of Karmic schedule..

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Post 05: The Frenzy and the Ecstasy

Insta Reel on Noida Expo Haat

In the above link ☝🏼☝🏼 I have posted a Reel on Insta about the journey of a design process, the burning of the midnight oil, the blood sweat and tears behind the creative process..

But in this post, I shall try to express KETU (UNDER)CURRENT ..
Namely.. In KETU TEXT describe the KETU ENERGY of events and CIRCUMSTANCES usually underlying any or most KETU creation processes...

I reached the far off venue at about 3pm, only to learn that Shwetas car had been UNCEREMONIOUSLY towed away by some UNKNOWN sector of the organizers whilst she came to install some rugs at her exhibition. And they spent hours frantically hunting for her car, WHILST ATTENDING the first day visitors.. but to NO AVAIL.. the car was STILL MISSING ..!!?!!

And, even BEFORE I could ENTER and see the finished, glittering exhibit, I had to IMMEDIATELY RETURN BACK the same two hour Journey I had travelled.. but NOW BACKWARDS from greater Noida to Delhi, as Shweta had to attend a award felicitation ceremony in yet ANOTHER Architectural exhibition at Pragati Maidan.
While I waited for her ceremony I had some wine at a steel pipe stall and in a KETU State.. DAZED, HEADLESS , STUPOR.. clicked this below pic and uploaded it all over my social media..πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

SUDDENLY I also met a long lost Architectural junior, fellow JJite, hostelite Ankit Revo, who's been around 12 years in Delhi and this is the THIRD TIME we're meeting.. some blood chilling correlation with my previous post, about old pals NOT staying in touch and SUDDENLY VANISHING..

Later after Shwetas award ceremony, we travelled for the THIRD TIME IN A SINGLE DAY, now from Delhi to Greater Noida !!!!?!
We reached the vast Expo, all empty.. all stalls shut everyone Gone Baby Gone.. us roaming around like headless our uncomfortable formal glitters.. TRYING To locate her LOST, TOWED AWAY BY UNKNOWNS, MISSING CAR !!!

After a lot of phone calls, a previous stranger, but now an angel of help.. managed to locate her car.. FAR AND AWAY, OUTSIDE THE PREMISES, IN A SHADY jungle AREA, NEXT TO A MARSH..!!
In NCR where cars are plucked away from guarded, CCTV laden colonies,.. the singular lonely car in the shady, distance.. STOOD UN-PLUCKED, NOT STOLEN..

We heaved a sigh of ecstatic Relief ..and headed back.. me for the FOURTH TIME.. THE DISTANCE JOURNEY FROM GREATER NOIDA, BACK TO DELHI.. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ .. for tomorrow early morning we had to RETURN again to the exhibition.. and FINALLY begin to meet and attend to the visitors, the audience..

Ketu Tails/ Explanations
This post above had the perfect upheaval and frenzy, of the KETU experience....the churning, erratic, the sublime.. the agony and Ecstacy of the KETU experience...

The jarring Discontinuity, haphazard rhizomatic mess, the fluctuation of the KETU trip..

BUT ONE that ULTIMATELY ended well, with grace.. the KETU TAIL..

THIS NARRATIVE problem had always Vexed me BEFORE.. too MUCH theory, SERPENTINE complicated LAYERED..

..but NEVER the discontinuity, the breathless, frenzy, the churning, erratic, sublime.. Agony and Ecstacy..of the KETU TAIL..

..the electricity of the Ketu Current...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Post 04: Wave of Upheavals

Lost two childhood friends back to back in the span of a single week. After Covid this wave of sudden unexpected deaths seems to have become the norm. Unforeseen ruptures. Unexpected turmoil and upheaval. Since the Great Conjunction in 2020, namely, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn in Capricorn, things have never been the same. The Great Conjunction is a global reset button that happens once in every 100 years.
Before 2020, life was going on as usual, more or less. But after the Covid waves.. everything changed. We lost many. Uncountable. Unpredictable. Every day. Every week.
Here, I'm not yet fully recovered from yesterday's cremation of friend Monjit Sharma, at Lodhi Road crematorium, Delhi, and there, already a cousin of mine has been shifted to Critical Care Unit, in a hospital in my hometown Guwahati.
A vast, continuous, unpredictable wave of upheavals since 2020.

Maybe they could have reached out to me more.. Maybe I could have reached out to them more..

Healing/ Astro advice:

Connect with friends. Connect with people. Not just to share your smiles. But ALSO to Share your grief, tears, and sorrows.

Run away not from sadness..

Share it, deal with it, heal with it...

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Post 03: Blessings of Lord Ketu

Thou glimmered

from the distance

Yet, thou touching clearly and crisply
With thine infra red rays

Thou twinkled from afar
Yet, inflaming so intensely
Those who thou hast touched

I have travelled through swamps, random marshes and back waters
And found glimmers of thine erratic/sublime glow

Always In unexpected quarters
and interstices/ crossroads

I have dwelt upon thine crazy geometry
Thine erratic laws of glimmer
Thine doorways through
Bakwaters of inland empires

And thine will has carved me
Sculpting these very words,

Guiding me with thy glimmering glitter.. Erratic and Sublime..

Dear friends, the fragmented/ erratic form of this post represents the resultant evolution, or RESOLUTION of a long, ongoing process of expression/ blogging that I have been continuing on over the years.

How I arrived at this erratic/ fragmented format of expression has been detail, in the previous two posts titled:
Post 02: Return to the Swamp and
Post 01: The Roots of Ketu

Within these two above posts, I managed a small tangent of DEPARTURE/ EXIT..
from my DECADE LONG TRADITION of my usual blogging NARRATIVE... of an elaborate, entwining, highly literary form of linguistic expression. A prevailing style for so many, many years of blogging, YET which was proving HIGHLY INADEQUATE to express the Erratic/Sublime nature of Ketu energies.

Especially, in these current times, wherein my Instagram account afforded me the freedom and spontaneity. With it's self explanatory visuals, and instantaneous format of expression..

HENCE, it was highly IMPERATIVE, that a KETU FORM of expression needed to be established..

Where, the erratic/ fragmented spontaneity of a moment would be directly expressed...
BYPASSING my entwining, entrapping, verbiosity, default serpentine, layered, linguistic, embroidery, .. my overtly literary,  twisting, coiling, serpentine, and exhasting language..

A FORMAT OF EXPRESSION which would EXEMPLIFY the Erratic,  Quantum, fragmented,  yet Sublime quality of Ketu energies..

⭐Post Script,Oct 2024 πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ ⭐

Rahu Ketu Blessings
Those seeking immediate blessings of Rahu should pray to Ma Saraswati, goddess of learning. Those seeking immediate blessings of Ketu, should pray to Lord Ganesha, the universal problem solver. 

Those seeking deeper blessings should pray to the Serpentine forms of Rahu Ketu. 
For Rahu, pray to Lord Vasuki, serpent around neck of Lord Shiva.
For Ketu, pray to Lord Ananta Nath or Sheshnaag, cosmic serpent upon whom Lord Vishnu rests upon.

During Covid Lockdown I found the universal, familiar yet highly specific  image of Lord Vishnu to grant us the blessings of Lord Ketu.. πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Lord Vishnu resting on Cosmic Ocean
My astro banner during Lockdown

My phone Home Screen.. ever since
