Sunday, August 4, 2024

Current 05: The Frenzy and the Ecstasy

Insta Reel on Noida Expo Haat

In the above link ☝🏼☝🏼 I have posted a Reel on Insta about the journey of a design process, the burning of the midnight oil, the blood sweat and tears behind the creative process..

But in this post, I shall try to express KETU (UNDER)CURRENT ..
Namely.. In KETU TEXT describe the KETU ENERGY of events and CIRCUMSTANCES usually underlying any or most KETU creation processes...

I reached the far off venue at about 3pm, only to learn that Shwetas car had been UNCEREMONIOUSLY towed away by some UNKNOWN sector of the organizers whilst she came to install some rugs at her exhibition. And they spent hours frantically hunting for her car, WHILST ATTENDING the first day visitors.. but to NO AVAIL.. the car was STILL MISSING ..!!?!!

And, even BEFORE I could ENTER and see the finished, glittering exhibit, I had to IMMEDIATELY RETURN BACK the same two hour Journey I had travelled.. but NOW BACKWARDS from greater Noida to Delhi, as Shweta had to attend a award felicitation ceremony in yet ANOTHER Architectural exhibition at Pragati Maidan.
While I waited for her ceremony I had some wine at a steel pipe stall and in a KETU State.. DAZED, HEADLESS , STUPOR.. clicked this below pic and uploaded it all over my social media..👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

SUDDENLY I also met a long lost Architectural junior, fellow JJite, hostelite Ankit Revo, who's been around 12 years in Delhi and this is the THIRD TIME we're meeting.. some blood chilling correlation with my previous post, about old pals NOT staying in touch and SUDDENLY VANISHING..

Later after Shwetas award ceremony, we travelled for the THIRD TIME IN A SINGLE DAY, now from Delhi to Greater Noida !!!!?!
We reached the vast Expo, all empty.. all stalls shut everyone Gone Baby Gone.. us roaming around like headless our uncomfortable formal glitters.. TRYING To locate her LOST, TOWED AWAY BY UNKNOWNS, MISSING CAR !!!

After a lot of phone calls, a previous stranger, but now an angel of help.. managed to locate her car.. FAR AND AWAY, OUTSIDE THE PREMISES, IN A SHADY jungle AREA, NEXT TO A MARSH..!!
In NCR where cars are plucked away from guarded, CCTV laden colonies,.. the singular lonely car in the shady, distance.. STOOD UN-PLUCKED, NOT STOLEN..

We heaved a sigh of ecstatic Relief ..and headed back.. me for the FOURTH TIME.. THE DISTANCE JOURNEY FROM GREATER NOIDA, BACK TO DELHI.. 🔥🔥🔥 .. for tomorrow early morning we had to RETURN again to the exhibition.. and FINALLY begin to meet and attend to the visitors, the audience..

Ketu Tails/ Explanations
This post above had the perfect upheaval and frenzy, of the KETU experience....the churning, erratic, the sublime.. the agony and Ecstacy of the KETU experience...

The jarring Discontinuity, haphazard rhizomatic mess, the fluctuation of the KETU trip..

BUT ONE that ULTIMATELY ended well, with grace.. the KETU TAIL..

THIS NARRATIVE problem had always Vexed me BEFORE.. too MUCH theory, SERPENTINE complicated LAYERED..

..but NEVER the discontinuity, the breathless, frenzy, the churning, erratic, sublime.. Agony and Ecstacy..of the KETU TAIL..

..the electricity of the Ketu Current...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Current 04: Wave of Upheavals

Lost two childhood friends back to back in the span of a single week. After Covid this wave of sudden unexpected deaths seems to have become the norm. Unforeseen ruptures. Unexpected turmoil and upheaval. Since the Great Conjunction in 2020, namely, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn in Capricorn,  things have never been the same. The Great Conjunction is a global reset button that happens once in every 100 years.
Before 2020, life was going on as usual, more or less. But after the Covid waves..  everything changed. We lost many.  Uncountable. Unpredictable. Every day. Every week.
Here, I'm not yet fully recovered from yesterday's cremation of friend Monjit Sharma, at Lodhi Road crematorium, Delhi, and there, already a cousin of mine has been shifted to Critical Care Unit, in a hospital in my hometown Guwahati.
A vast, continuous, unpredictable wave of upheavals since 2020.

Maybe they could have reached out to me more.. Maybe I could have reached out to them more.. 

Healing/ Astro advice: 

Connect with friends. Connect with people.  Not just to share your smiles. But ALSO to Share your grief, tears, and sorrows. 

Run away not from sadness.. 

Share it, deal with it, heal with it...

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Current 03: Smouldering Ketu

#smouldering #ketu

Thou smouldereth from the distance
Yet, touching clearly and crisply
With thine smouldering infra red rays

Thou smouldereth from afar
Yet, inflaming so intensely
Those who have the frequency of connect

I have travelled through passages, random
And found trickles of thine smouldering glow
In verily unexpected quarters and interstices

I have dwelt upon thine secret geometry
Thine ancient laws of energy
Thine doorways to forgotten yesterdays

And thine energy has shaped me
Forming these very words, unfolding
Guiding me with thy smouldering brilliance..

Dear friends, the poetic/ fragmented/ erratic form of this post represents the resultant/ evolution/ RESOLUTION of a long, ongoing process of expression/ blogging that I have been working on painstakingly and instinctively, over the years. The conclusion towards this this format of expression has been actuated/enumerated in detail, in the previous two posts titled:
Current 02: A Return to the Swamp and
Current 01: Fragments of Quantum/ erratic
Within, the NARROW SPAN of these two above mentioned posts, I formed a small tangent of DEPARTURE/ EXIT..
from my DECADE LONG TRADITION of blogging NARRATIVE... of an elaborate, entwining, highly literary form of linguistic expression, in use for so many, many years of blogging, YET which was proving HIGHLY inadequate to express the spontaneous, smouldering, expression of Ketu energies.
Especially, in light of the current times, wherein the freedom/ spontaneity, my Instagram account afforded me, with it's self explanatory visuals, and spontaneous/ erratic/ fragments of expression..

HENCE, it was IMPERATIVE, that a Ketu form of blogging expression was formulated..
wherein the erratic/ fragmented spontaneity of a moment would be afforded to be directly expressed...
BYPASSING the entwining, entrapping, verbiosity, of my default serpentine linguistic expression, of my overtly literary, highly self twisting serpentine, coiling language..

A FORMAT OF EXPRESSION which would exemplify/ illustrate the Erratic/ Quantum/ fragmented/ discontinuous, attributes of smouldering Ketu energies..

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Current 02: A Return to the Swamp..

Please read: Ketu Currents Intro to understand the astrological objective of these posts..

Its been very long since I have blogged. 
Once we used to blog on the computer. 
Now, it's all on the mobile. 
Technology brings changes. 
Technology brings Evolution. 
But then, the occasional  regression is rudimentary.
Everything under the Sun in tune.
But the shadow Ketu, bygone pasts.
We pause, and dive into the murky waters 
Into the older ways of doing things.
 Revisitng the older ways of doing things. 
Was reading my blog.
 So very heavy and complicated.
I thought some change was in order.
The Ketu approach to things.
I had ordered Swamp Thing Book One
Issues #20 to #26
Reading issues from back in time
Deferred delights of childhood
Delivered in old adulthood
Was like tasting an old sweet
Covered beneath dusty shelves of decades
Forgotten tastes upon the tongues
Resurrected, smouldering upon the palate
Alan Moore has inscribed the code
On how to express ourselves
In matters ancient and smouldering
All we had to do was reconnect
Returns to the roots of Destiny
Return to the primal Swamp..

অসমীয়াটো লিখিব পাৰি দেখোন
The Backwater swamps, inland empires.. of Ketu Currents..

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Current 01: fragments of quantum/ erratic

Please read: Ketu Currents Intro to understand the astrological objective of these posts..

Today, on 1st of June, on the 56th day of Saturn Retrograde 2017, after having blogged for almost a decade (2007- 2017)... I am posting after a long, long time...on a lonely impulse of delight, to attempt a Ketu style of erratic/ quantum/fragmented writing..
..and if successful, to be continued this series of posts, labelled/titled.. Ketu Currents
On writing/blogging
For me, writing, especially blogging, has always been more a source of catharsis, venting,  and expurgation.  As opposed to any objective expression of ideas/ concepts. For me, it's always been writing/ blogging for the sake of writing/ blogging itself. A process of redemptive writing/ blogging..

Ketu writing/blogging
In my horoscope, Mercury and Sun are located in my 12th house of Virgo, which makes me excellent at cathartic, redemptive, writing. Saturn conjunct Ketu, in my 9th house, and thus, Rahu in my 3rd house of self expression, makes this process of writing/ blogging/ self expression heavily serpentine, layered, and overbearing. This is evident in all earlier posts of this blog, and those of my other two, namely:Energy Clearing blog and that dedicated to Shanidev..Saturnine Blog.
But, ONLY,because of critical planet Ketu, (click link: Critical Planets intro) there are fragmented windows of opportunity for erratic/ quantum trails to emerge/ arise..

The currents of Ketu
Similar to the Energy Clearing Process, described in my Energy Clearing blog, Ketu energies are two fold.. the Churning of Chitragupta and the Blessings of Brahma. 
First, we get hammered, by the mace of Chitragupta, Churning us, clearing us of our pending karmic debts, and hideously entrapping karmic entanglements. 
Then, after that churning, we get the blessings of Brahma, who gives us the window of opportunity to manifest/experience our divine/ unique creativity...
In a quantum/ irony, this post/ tail has invertedly given birth to the Head/ Page: Ketu-currents-intro

Friday, September 30, 2016

Cats eye 04: Stormy currents...

Since 2002, I've worn Cat's Eye gemstone for a Critical Ketu in my horoscope, (check:  Critical Planets Intro). However it was only after the journey of Energy Clearing, (check: Energy Clearing Intro), that I discovered it's higher energies. How, through churning, and rupture... it brings momentum/ movement..

This time, on my 43rd birthday, there was construction going on at our place, as our landlord was renovating all the floors after his retirement. And, because of the severe dust, chaos, we went to a friends place at Noida to stay over. There, accompanying my friend to repair his broken chain at the nearby mall, we landed up at the Crystal shop he had mentioned many times before.

Despite the owner, displaying great salesman skills, and overwhelming us about the powers and benefits of crystals, and how it had benefited his noteworthy clientele,  I did notice an amazing selection of unusual, and unconventional crystals abounding in his shop. In fact in his three shops, sprawled across the mall. Ultimately, along with some healing crystals, I brought an entire necklace/ beads of Cat's eye gemstone at an highly reasonable price.

Returning to my friends place, I was overwhelmed by our friend Papori, The Cake artist Gurgaon, landing up with an intricately designed birthday cake, driving all the way, 100 kms + from Gurgaon, with her kids, getting far out lost on her journey, and somehow making it in one piece. She was joined by my childhood friend Mampi, who arrived with loads of chocolates. There was impromptu lucnh at our friends place, when the hostess/ queen of the house itself was missing and was away in Italy. So much for trying to run away from home to escape the birthday ritual! 
Later, in the evening, we went all the way from Gurgaon to Noida, to attend my friends sisters housewarming party, where a host of people who I knew all from different eras of my life had gathered. Someone had brought a cake for the housewarming, which I finally had to cut. An impromptu birthday celebration out of the blue, in some unimagined location, choc a bloc with people who knew me from a lifetime!
Later, while returning, we dropped in at the birthday party of Hugo Lorenzetti, who I had met one year back on: Cat's eye 02: Electrifying Karina Buhr  and it turned out to be a costume ball, with the wildest costumes and crowd. Again, ironically, Not wanting to celebrate birthday, yet at the centre of such events, and an costume ball B'day. Ketu irony at work!

Next day evening I took my friend and wife to the crystal store, and made them procure various crystals, healing stones that they required. I did NOT want the energy build up to die down..!!
And even when we returned home to dust and horror, we were carrying some crystal residues of this stormy/ whirlwind birthday weekend!
Later, when we finally returned home, I was dreading the return to dust, breakage, gas, stomach issues, etc. However, thanks to the Cat's Eye beads, and the procured healing crystals, i rediscovered and re connected to my old Ayurvedic medicine, Triphala, which helped reverse my horrifying build up of acidity, gas, indigestion etc. After the past entire month of breathless horror, and no medicines working, I could slowly begin to breathe again. Finally despite all crystals, it was Cat's eye that connected me to my healing roots.

Later, as the days passed, I felt more relaxed and at peace with our ghastly surroundings of construction, breakage, and overwhelming dust. Meanwhile, there was news of rising conflict between India and Pakistan, over terrorist killing 18 Indian soldiers at a military base in Uri. Amidst all that churning high drama in and around, our friend asked us to accompany him on his trip to Chamba, above Rishikesh, where he had designed and developed a joint hillside property. One year back, my wiffe's slipped disc had happened just before the invitation to Chamba, and even now she was hardly okay. But now, with protective crystals, etc, we were encouraged and took curage to say yes! Suddenly despite all that chaos of construction, health issues, slipped disce recovery, we jumped on the bandwagon to Chamba.
Away from the dust and chaos, the rolling landscapes soothed me, I slept for a long while. Enroute we stopped at Haridwar, as it was prevailing Pitra paksh, i could fulfil oblation to ancestors, so very fortuitously and spontaneously.
The days at Chamba was heavenly, especially in contrast to the constant dust and horror of our construction laden environs. I read the horoscope of our friends partner, a joint builder/ developer, who has purchased a expensive ring from Bangkok, which I saw he didn't need, and I urged him to replace it a .. Cat's Eye! He said in bangkok, they had gurantee of replacement, how wondrous. Again, high up in the heavenly hills.. a Cat's eye connection. later at night, I felt some troubled energy presence, and had some pretty elaborate dreams. and it was Pitra Paksh going on. Next day while returning, I had the opportunity to perform some release, some tribute in accordance with the evnets/ dreams of the previous night. how fortuitous and spontaneous.

Once back in Delhi, initially, i did felt a huge energy drop, hangover from the whirlwind trip, but the Cat's eye kept some energy/ gemstone connection alive. we were invited by a friend who had guests from Ceylon/ Sri Lanka, where the worlds best cat's Eye were mined. Energy was continuously curning throughout the week, and saw me engaged in cathartic, clearing, spiritual activities, breathlessly, and continuously through the entire period of Pitra Paksh.
Finally, now, 2nd Oct, 2nd day of Navartara 2016, I finally sign off after two weeks of stormy movement, activity heralded in by the Cat's eye.
With Gratitude for movement and momentum... Lord Mahavishnu.. that's all I ask for!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Cat's Eye 03: Infrared roses

I just checked... I've got 143 posts in my Energy Clearing blog, 83 posts in my Saturnine blog and 32 posts in this Ketu Currents blog, so far. And out of these 258 posts of my three blogs, approximately  three posts have been able to connect with the smoky energy of Ketu Currents: In-memory-of-my-departed-friends.. ...a sort of a remembrance poem, then Haunting-time-of Pitra Paksh connected with the ancestral energies, then Tenebrious-ambience-of Choladhara house which describes the mood, ambience of our ancestral grandfathers house at Jorhat. And also, finally Ketu-music-01-love-song-for-vampire dedicated to an favourite Annie Lennox song of mine.
But the previous post on Karina buhr's performance, from the perspective of the Green Cat's eye gemstone,  an esoteric remedial gemstone for Ketu, had randomly, yet deliberately connected me to an otherwise completely ignored and sidelined aspect of Ketu energies.

The previous post Cat's Eye 02: electrifying-karina-buhr even though overtly humorous, and anecdotal style, at least lends testimony/ insight to  an event/ hecceity that, for the first time, connected me with the otherwise previously ignored of Ketu's infrared, smoldering,  smoking hot energies. Karina Buhr's performance in congested Depot 29 was electric, visceral, smoldering, and unexpected. I felt this distinctly in contrast to her latter performance at Kila, aka previously known as Blue Frog.
The Green Cat's Eye did it's job, and made me experience an event that connected me to smoky, smoldering, simmering, visceral, infrared nature of Ketu Currents. Even though, I haven't Posted after that, BUT, have worked on myself. Through energy clearing, homeopathic churnings, visceral clearings, burning,  depictive of Ketu energies. I simmered, slow cooked that initial spark, that tangent of recognition into various astrologically classified folders of songs: Moon Music, Neptune Music, Venus music, and smoky, smoldering Ketu music.
This music and physical qualities were further clarified by Anodea judith's book Chakras: Wheels-of-Life, which clearly define the Upward/ liberating/ sublimating path, which i call the unfolding Rahu current, and the Downward/ limiting/ constricting/ visceral/ manifesting path which I call the unfolding Ketu currents.
This knowledge has helped me shape my understanding, and has been incorporated into the introductory/ summary Page Rahu Ketu introduction, clearly defining the smoldering, visceral churning energies of Ketu as distinct from the sublime, refined, conceptual, ethereal, airy, finer Rahu ruled upper chakras.
But, from that initial, incidential, tangential post on Karina Buhr on 24th Nov, it has definitely taken quite a smoldering, simmering.. while!

These past months I have been writing quite intensely (like for the past 5 years) about the annual Saturn Retrograde 2016, click label: Search/ topic label: Saturn Retro 2016. But today, in an extraordinary retrograde moment where i found myself deep inside the innards/ gizzards/ intestines of the various footages of my first attempted feature length movie After Paris, the retrograde energy has really spilled over, and oozed out, Check: Saturn-retro-2016-18: falling-retro-part 2: innards, and spilled over to trigger off this post in this Ketu Currents blog, after a long time...

This inter- entwining between this Saturnine blog post and this, current Ketu Currents post, only depicts or illustrates the ultra/ ACUTE conjunction at 10th degree of Gemini, ie, Saturn @ 10'26" and Ketu @ 10'25" in Gemini, the 9th house of my horoscope.

I absolutely had no plans to write this post today, but the energy of the moment forced me to bring it out, and I would like to dedicate this post to my favourite grateful dead song: infrared roses...