Saturday, May 27, 2017

Current 01: fragments of quantum/ erratic

Please read: Ketu Currents Intro to understand the astrological objective of these posts..

Today, on 1st of June, on the 56th day of Saturn Retrograde 2017, after having blogged for almost a decade (2007- 2017)... I am posting after a long, long time...on a lonely impulse of delight, to attempt a Ketu style of erratic/ quantum/fragmented writing..
..and if successful, to be continued this series of posts, labelled/titled.. Ketu Currents
On writing/blogging
For me, writing, especially blogging, has always been more a source of catharsis, venting,  and expurgation.  As opposed to any objective expression of ideas/ concepts. For me, it's always been writing/ blogging for the sake of writing/ blogging itself. A process of redemptive writing/ blogging..

Ketu writing/blogging
In my horoscope, Mercury and Sun are located in my 12th house of Virgo, which makes me excellent at cathartic, redemptive, writing. Saturn conjunct Ketu, in my 9th house, and thus, Rahu in my 3rd house of self expression, makes this process of writing/ blogging/ self expression heavily serpentine, layered, and overbearing. This is evident in all earlier posts of this blog, and those of my other two, namely:Energy Clearing blog and that dedicated to Shanidev..Saturnine Blog.
But, ONLY,because of critical planet Ketu, (click link: Critical Planets intro) there are fragmented windows of opportunity for erratic/ quantum trails to emerge/ arise..

The currents of Ketu
Similar to the Energy Clearing Process, described in my Energy Clearing blog, Ketu energies are two fold.. the Churning of Chitragupta and the Blessings of Brahma. 
First, we get hammered, by the mace of Chitragupta, Churning us, clearing us of our pending karmic debts, and hideously entrapping karmic entanglements. 
Then, after that churning, we get the blessings of Brahma, who gives us the window of opportunity to manifest/experience our divine/ unique creativity...
In a quantum/ irony, this post/ tail has invertedly given birth to the Head/ Page: Ketu-currents-intro

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