Deficit Planets Intro

Planets in the horoscope
Planets in the horoscope are broadly classified according to their positive/ negative influences..
The Positive planets: Benefic, Exalted, Yogakaraka, and "Guna" (Meritorious) bring about energies, talents, gifts, gains due to one's karmic credits. One should follow the qualities, energies, and ally oneself with the nature of the Positive planets for benefits in one life.
The Negative planets: Malefic, Debilitated, Maraka, and "Dosha" (Demerit), etc.  bring challenges, obstacles, detriments, losses, brought about by one's karmic debts. One should avoid the qualities, energies, and do donations, charity, and give up the energy qualities of the Negative planets for minimising their negative influences.
Super positives: are Benefic planets located in their Trikona, i.e 1st, 5th, and 9th house, or in the Kendra/ Cardinal houses, i.e, 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10 houses.
Super negatives: are Malefic planets are malefics located in the negative houses, namely 6th, 8th, and 12th or  even the 2nd, or 7th houses.
Natural malefics in Upachaya houses: However, if natural malefics like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu located in the Upachaya houses, i.e, the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses, they give increasing positive results over the long run. Natural malefic in Upachaya houses, make us suffer for a while, and once, the karma is fulfilled, shower us with benefits and merits in the long run. They are like hard taskmasters which reward us in the long run, if we fulfil their challenges.

Planets according to Element (Kapha/ Pitta/ Vayu)
Pitta/ Fire element ruled planets: Sun, Mars, Ketu, Pluto
Kapha/ Water ruled planets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune
Vayu/ Air ruled planets: Mercury, Uranus, Rahu, Saturn

Deficit Planets
But then again, if a particular planet is severely debilitated in Trikona houses, i.e 1st, 5th, and 9th houses, or Kendra, i.e, 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses. And it's further challenged/ diminished due to conjunction with strong enemy planets. Or it is combusted due to conjunction with the Sun, or malnourished due to conjunction with Saturn, then this acutely challenged planet exerts a strong karmic influence on the overall energy of the horoscope. Such planets are an even more deeper/ advanced karmic force than the location  of natural malefics in the Upachaya houses, and can be termed as Critical planets.
Deficit planets indicate strong pending karma, in previous lifetimes, where because of the reluctance, repulsion, avoidance, and opposition towards the energies and qualities of that particular planet(s), huge karmic imbalance/ deficiency is created in the current life. 

Resolving Deficit planets
Fulfilling the deficit, pending energy requirement of Deficit planets is the only way to break the stalemate, deadlock of critically Karmic horoscopes. Along with the appropriate Upayas, and gemstones, the Energy nature of the the Deficit planet has to pursued, it's Energy demand has to be fulfilled.. to  to restore karmic balance of the horoscope. Only then the lopsided energy imbalance/ deadlock of  the critical horoscope is resolved.
Here's a brief guide to the energy nature of the various planets....

Sun: In a previous incarnation, if there was negligence towards duties and schedule, lack of clarity and accountability, lack of will, towards priorities, irresponsibility leading to disaster, then Sun would become a Deficit planet in the horoscope.
To empower a Defecit Sun, one must focus on Focussing, Willpower, Concentration, and Prioritization of Deficit/ Core issues. The Sun defines the dynamic expression of the personal will, which strives to "shine," to create, to achieve, to manifest itself. It is one’s basic personal identity in life. To boost the Sun, one should take Initiative and Leadership, and pursue Clarity and Transparency in matters. They should clearly define their personal identity, and views/ standpoints on issues. One should clearly define one's sense of individuality, identity, direction and self-expression. They should adopt a commanding attitude, boost self confidence, think positively, focus on the Manipura Chakra. They should foster determination, dignity, magnanimity, self respect, respect, and an optimistic, yet matter of fact attitude. They should adhere to structures, hierarchies, schedules, organized planning and clearly defined processes. they should foster self reliance, autonomy, independence, as much as possible in all areas. 

Nakshatra/ Constellation:  The traditionally assigned constellations of Uttaraphalguni (12) rule by Solar deity Aryaman, and Uttarashada (21)  perfectly expressed the energy of the Sun, but instead of traditionally assigned Krittika (3), I feel the Sun's energy is more perfectly expressed by the sceptre of authority, the throne of power, royality and prestige of Magha (10) at the centre of Leo, a sign ruled by the Sun. 
Additional links: Prash Trivedi on Uttarapalguni (12) , and Wiki on Uttara Phalguni (12), and  Magha (10) and sacred fires.. homa

Moon: To empower  a challenged/ deficient Moon in horoscope, one must focus on emotional responses, reactant, instinctual drives, psychosomatic energy dynamics of one's own self and others. One should consider personal, private and psychological factors behind public actions. Explore the reactive, responsive, emotional drives, and one's underlying psychological nature. They should contemplate on human fancies, idiosyncrasies, emotional issues, intellectual and intuitive abilities. One should be aware to cycles and flux of energy around them, responding to the Collateral of tangential/ peripheral developments and their effect on central issues.Moon lays emphasis on feelings over thoughts. The lunar part of the human mind, associated with moods and feelings governed by the subconscious, which is changeable on the surface, yet deeply ingrained currents and energy patterns are highly enduring. To empower the Moon, one should focus on the physical/ emotional/ psychosomatic foundation of one's earliest years, forged by influences, inheritances, and interactions that has shaped their psyche. Especially the earliest relations with one’s mother, father, siblings, kith and kin. One should explore the conditions of one’s home environment, from the earliest stages to their current domestic scenario. Moon governs one's sense of belonging, and one's need to  nurture and be nurtured, because it rules over the primal maternal instinct. The continuance and carryover of the needs and instincts of infancy and childhood. The Moon also governs over one's intimate relationships, familial, and their psychological dynamics. and it's effects on one's personal energy and the manifest energy environment

Nakshatra/ Constellation: even though traditionally, Moon is assigned to rulership of  Rohini (4), Hasta (13) and Shravana (22), in the energy aspect it's embodied more Critically and appropriately through the energies of deer ruled Mrigashira (05) whose ruling deity is the Moon himself, instead of Hasta (13) which is more expressive of Mercury. Additional link: Mrigashira (05) and Restless Parvati/ searching

Mars: To empower a challenged/ deficient Mars in one's horoscope, one should follow the Motto of working hard and playing hard, and diligently pursue Action, activity, vitality, adrenalin, self- motivation. One should pursue active Sports or Martial arts, take part in vigorous regular physical, strength/ stamina building exercises, or at least aerobics. One should cultivate independence and courage, involve themselves in highly physical activities requiring vigour, valour, courage, tenacity, prowess, guts, and mettle. One should overcome their fears, strongly resist lethargy, timidity, weakness, and indulgence. Mars is activated by competition, war, battle, confrontational, activities of contention. It gets boosted by titanic, heroic struggles, survival games, mechanical activities, machinery works, fire, welding,  and quick mental activity. It gets boosted by muscle building activity, manliness, passion, heroics, outbursts, bravado, zeal, stubbornness, power struggles. One should pursue a strict military regimental schedule. Pursuing high pressure and competitive activities involving adrenalin rush.

Nakshatra/ Constellation: Traditionally, Mars governs over Mrigashira (5), Chitra (14) and Dhanista (23), but from the Critical energy aspects of planets, it is more wholesomely expressed through the energies of  the impulsive, fire/ pitta ruled, ultra spontaneous, Ganesha/ Horse ruled Ashwini (1), and mainly by the sharp, cutting, fiery energies of  Krittika (3), which is ruled by Kartikeya, the Martian, warrior, commanding, general son of Shiva. And finally, and by the exuberant, vibrant, energies of the traditionally Mars ruled constellation of  Dhanishtha (23). Additional links: quick tempered, impulsive  Ashwini (1), competitive and impetuous Dhanishta (23) And, Ashwini connected to Nose  and Dhanishta (23).

Mercury: To empower a Deficit Mercury in one's horoscope, one should pursue knowledge, information, calculations, intellectual pursuits, analysis, computations, mental work, Communication and research. Pursuing calculations, quantification, categorization of things, statistical analysis, data processing, technical drawings, documentation, archiving, measurements boost Mercury energies.  Attention to details, accounting, maintaining ledgers of  particulars, exactitude, logical reasoning, Rational and justified estimation, projection, day trading, short term, commercial speculations.  and mercantile trade, in smaller fragments also energizes Mercury. Advertising, marketing, merchandising, branding, strategic brand management, strategizing media, mass media, and social media, marketing. Contracts, specifications, architectural drawings, technical drawings and documents, graphs, statistics, information, data, spreadsheets. Brain and strategy games like Chess, Draught, etc. etc. 

Nakshatra/ Constellation: Traditionally Mercury is assigned to rulership of Ashlesha (09), Jyestha (18), and Revati (27). But I feel, Jyestha (18), due to the rulership of Indra, is more connected to Uranus, and Revati (27) to Neptune. And the energy aspect of Mercury it's embodied more Critically through the energies of  Hasta (13). Additional links: Craftsmanship of Hasta (13) and Skills of Hasta (13).

Jupiter:To empower a Deficit/ deficient  Jupiter in one's horoscope, one should regulate and schedule one's daily affairs, pursue established formalities, discipline, procedure, and prevalent norms, an adherence to Customs, manners, established conventions, and a venerated approach towards one's Gurus, guides, teachers, seniors, Counsels.  One should adopt a benevolent and sociable nature. They should  pursue religion and spirituality in some form, follow established social rituals, maintain candor and respectability, and pursue the established structures and organizations, and governments. They should respect ceremony, rituals, traditions, official hierarchies. and procedure. Jupiter rules over places of worship, educational institutions, Hospitals, medicare facilities, governmental organizations, and large public enterprises, One should value  stability, security, establishment, and preservation.

Nakshatra/ Constellation: Traditionally, Jupiter is assigned to rulership of  Punarvasu (7), Vishakha (16) and Purvabhadrapad (25). But I feel that except the benevolent Punarvasu (7) whic perfectly embodies Jupiter nature, Vishakha (16) is more Uranian and Purvabhadrapad (25) is more Ketu influenced. In fact Jupiter is embodied more appropriately through the energies of  Pushya (8),  whose ruling deity is none other than Brihaspati/ Jupiter/ Guru himself. And obviously because Pushya (8) is located at the center of Cancer, a sign where Jupiter is Exalted!! Additional links: spiritual, religious moral structure of Pushya (8). Additional links: Punarvasu (7) qualities 

Venus: To empower a Deficit/ deficient Venus in one's horoscope, one should cultivate beauty, charm, grace, elegance, taste, fine aesthetics and refinement in one's lifestyle and surroundings. Venus is empowered by balance, beauty, harmony, and refined surroundings, habitation spaces, cultivation of art, music, artistry, fashion, high taste, jouisaance, subtle fragrances, tasteful fabrics, exploration of senses, smells, tastes, sounds of the different Rasas. Venus gets boosted by appreciation for ornamentation, elaborate social rituals, attention to attire and clothes, care for one's body, gracious hospitality, hosting people, personnel management in service sectors, endorsing harmony in relationships, insight into marital, conjugal and interpersonal affairs. Venus endorses grace and acumen in political affairs, comprehension of human dynamics, diplomacy, prudence, in communication. Cultivation of grooming, manners, etiquette, languages, and social protocol,

Nakshatra/ Constellation: Ttraditionally, Venus is assigned to rulership of  Bharani (2), Purvaphalguni (20), and Purvashadha (20). However, I feel the sharp energies of Bahrani are more associated with Pluto and instead venusian energies are more exclusively expressed by the glamourous, flamboyant, fashionable, glitterings Chitra (14). Additional links: Glittering dazzling Chitra (14), and Multicoloured Chitra (14) 

Saturn: To empower a Deficit/ challenged/ deficient Saturn in one's horoscope, one should value perseverance, endurance, fortitude, imperturbability, weighty deliberate contemplation, resilient passivity, in depth commitment, magnanimity, towards matters.  A grounded approach combined with patience and forbearance with emphasis towards long term growth is helpful. An attitude of patience, equanimity, humility, moderation, self control, restraint, and neutral objectivity helps in endorsing the Saturnine qualities. Saturn expresses itself through repetition, regulation, renewal, integrity, tenacity,  equability, consistency, continuity, and gradual progress. The Saturnine disposition is brooding, ruminative, thoughtful, deliberate, reflective, sombre, often a scholastic, monastic, stoic mood of  elaborate contemplation. Saturn especially favors solitary, secluded reflective contemplation in a dusky, solemn, heavy, portentous, and tenebrous, mood.

Nakshatra/ Constellation: Traditionally, Saturn is assigned to rulership of  Pushya (8), Anuradha (17) and Uttarabhadrapad (26). However as mentioned in the Jupiter section, I feel Pushya (8) ruled by Brihaspati/ Jupiter/ Guru, and Anuradha (17) has more Neptunian influences. Hence UttaraBhadrapada (26)  is the only constellation which narrates the serpentine, potential energy of Saturn lying coiled rooted at the Root Chakra. The Root/ Chakra, as we know, is a energy storehouse of our previous Karmas. Once the Saturnine potential is invoked through specific karma/ actions, the enrgy of Saturn springs forth with tremendous force.  Uttarbhadrapad also known as Pegasis  or the horse sign of Star Algenib signifies the strong  Pegasus springing force of Saturn, once karma is invoked, for either great exaltation or disaster. This horse symbolism is clearly seen in the story of Saturn in the form of  steed/ horse/ stallion that carries away Lord Vikramdaitya to punish him, as described in the text of Shri Shani mahatmya.
From Ahir Bhudhanya, the serpent dwelling at the depths of  Uttarbahdrapad, to Algenib/ Pegasus, the flying horse into the sky, Saturn is the planet that according to our past karmas, and our current actions, can make us experience the depths of despair, and the sky height of achievement. Also check the paragraph titled in this link, as: Pegasus Syndrome.

Rahu: The main motto of Rahu energy is Thoughts become Things. The magical, magnetic nature of Rahu energy enables one to identify trends, probabilities, energy patterns, waves, cycles, in our environment and convert them into tangible, palpable, corporeal, manifestations. To empower Rahu one has to work with multiplicity, alternative probabilities, fuzzy areas, quantum uncertainties, indeterminate quantities, in order to extract tangible manifestation out of the same. Working with abstract concepts, theories, virtual realities, suppositions, speculations, Game theory scenarios, and engaging with diverse shades, hues, multifarious energies enables one to condensate, crystallize results. Attachment, clinginess to material physical reality brings disaster for Rahu energies. Constant contextualization of objects,  and perceiving them as a conglomeration, assemblage, as an energy conglomeration, as a multilayered  fusion of of diverse shades and variance, a quantum probability of many nuances, connotations, and aspects enables Rahu energies to successfully thrive in the material context! 
Nakshatra/ Constellation: Traditionally, Rahu is assigned to rulership of stormy, turbulent, electric Rudra ruled Ardra (6), Vayu/ Saraswati ruled ruled Swati (15) , and Varuna ruled Satabhisha (24).  For once I'm in completely 100% agreement  with the critical energies correspondence.

Ketu, the serpentine South Node, is a smoldering, churning, subdued, undercurrent version of the Pitta/ Fire ruled planets, i.e, Sun, Mars, Pluto. The ruling deity of Ketu is Chitragupta, who is the maintainer of our karmic accounts, hence Ketu helps us reveal the hidden causes of our suffering, the underlying  Karmic debts  we have to pay for resolution. "Chitra -gupt" means the secret (underlying) picture beneath/ behind all physical/ visible manifestations and experiences.  
When, past life karmic violations of  Pitta/ Fire ruled Sun, Mars, Pluto, accumulates over time, the bloodied karma clots over time and makes us experience  paralyzing stagnation, deadlocks and stalemate situations. When, karmic violations of Kapha/ Water ruled Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, accumulates over time, the overwhelming sugary excess transforms into stinging, icy, dicey, poisonous, venomous situations. 
The Fiery/ Watery nature of Ketu helps us resolve such  mountainous pile ups of clotted, accumulated, karmic entanglements of our life. It does so by making us experience smaller doses of  cathartic turbulence, upheaval, and tribulation. Exactly like homeopathy, Ketu goes to the root of the matter, and cures a poisonous situation by using lower doses of the poison itself. Ketu dissects, probes, investigates, and removes layer by layer until we get to the roots (Moola) of matter. 

Nakshatra/ Constellation: Traditionally, the dreaded Mula(19) or Moola(19), which has been ascribed to Ketu, perfectly illustrates it's cathartic functions. I feel, the other traditionally ascribed constellations of Ketu, namely, Ashwini (1), connects more to Martian energies, and Magha (10) connects more to the royal, structural energies of the Sun. I feel Ketu energy is far better expressed by stormy, turbulent, churning aspects of  Ardra (6) (scroll down to bottom of this link) which clears our energies by making us stormy upheavals. Ardra (6) also possesses a deeply probing, dissecting quality, and the ruling deity of Ardra (6) is Rudra, both of which are perfectly depictive of Ketu energies. Since Ardra (6) also rules over Rahu, it can be ascribed as the meeting point of Rahu Ketu energies, where the cosmic serpent's head bites its own tail.
Moreover, as far as the downward looking, sharp, well digging, secret Jupiterian, association is concerened purvabhadrapada (25)  cane beconnected with Ketu energies. The funeral cot, the sword cutting away negative karma for energy to emerge of purvabhadrapad (25) also indicates the underground Jupiterian energy of this constellation, expressed in Ketu manifestation.

Uranus: To empower a critical/ challenged/ deficient Uranus in one's horoscope, one should wholeheartedly embrace freedom of thought, ally oneself with revolutionary ideas, and path breaking roads. One should avoid the trappings of security, stability and choose a highly restless, uncertain path full of  fluctuation, yet growth. Uranus creates unexpected phenomena, unscheduled events, sudden surprises, hecceities and breakthroughs, be it personal, psychological, physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. Uranus indicates sudden breakup of established structures, and hence one should avoid adherence to too rigid structures or schedules. Uranus promotes individualism and originality, hence one should follow paths off the beaten track. Uranus is represented by Indra, the trickster God in Vedic mythology, and Prometheus who stole the fire ( representing science and culture) of the Gods, and gave it to the people, in Greek mythology. Hence, Uranus is a harbinger of  new experiences, freedom, awakening, new life, new identity, and a radical expansion of one's horizons. It fosters inventiveness, the temperament of creative genius and brilliant mental insights. It liberates one from the narrow restrictions of genetics, cultural surroundings, environmental factors and the constrictions of one's birth conditions. Uranus represents drive in us that seeks to go our own way, choose our own individual path in life, away from prevalent customs and traditions. It's representative of a changeable, restless, and unpredictable nature. A life path defined by the constant quest for personal freedom and new experience. Ungoverned Uranus signifies eccentricity  lawlessness, but when it's energies are properly utilized, creates innovation, genius, and the capacity to make significant breakthroughs in both personal or cultural levels of one's life.  

Nakshatra/ Constellation:   Western outer/ planet of Urnaus has been appropriately assimilated and / incorporated into the Vedic pantheon as Indra, and hence direct correspondence to Vishakha (16), whose ruling Deity is Indra + Agani, and Jyestha (18), whose deity is solely Indra, and has been the affecting star behind a lot of revolutionaries, radical thinkers. Interesting to note that Vishakha (16) is traditionally ruled by Zeus, which is the Greek equivalent of Zeus connecting both Jupiter and Indra. And traditionally Jyestha (18) is ruled by Mercury whose higher Vayu function is Uranus. Additional limks: Jyestha (18) and Indra connection
Neptune: To empower a critical/ challenged/ deficient Neptune in one's horoscope, one should wholeheartedly embrace Spirituality, devotion to the Divine, Bhakti Yoga, connection to the 
Universal whole, without boundaries, the act of  self surrender, letting go, merging, absorption, blending with other realities, and connection to other dimensions. Neptune fosters peace, serenity, tranquility, divine relaxation, higher nurture, melted ecstasy, reunion with the source, ablution, atonement, compassion, service, faith and release/ exhalation. Neptune/ Varuna signifies space, ocean, water, mist, fog, gentle breeze. It fosters our imagination, intuition, and connects us to mysticism, dreams, portents, fantasy, mystery, enchantment, higher beauty, ethereal, mystical artforms. Neptune predominates art and literary forms of  symbolism, allegory, fantasy, surrealism, and abstraction.Neptune connects us to the inner state of sacred consciousness, the Tao nature, the Cosmic Void that is empty yet all-containing. It relates to the universal essence of Buddha nature,  to the The Universal Mind symbolized by Mahavishnu or the Brahmand,

Nakshatra/ Constellation: western/ Outer planet Neptune has been adopted into the Vedic deity of Varuna. But Satabhisha (24), whose ruling deity is Varuna, connects more with Uranus and Rahu. In fact Neptune has far more associations with  Anuradha (17) which sees it fuse opposite Natures into one, dissolving boundaries of all kinds. And Neptune also connects with traditionally Mercury assignedmystical Neptunean Revati (27). Additional links: Romantic, mystic Anuradha (17)

Pluto: To empower a critical/ challenged/ deficient Pluto one should strongly connect to primordial, elemental instincts, and subterranean undercurrent of primal forces prevalent in nature. Connect with the intensely turbulent emotions associated with of birth, sex, death, and rebirth. Exploration into the Disreal, underlying reality, the seething, volcanic underworld that lurks beneath the surface of things. Comprehending the long pent up, volcanic energy of nature that is released with great explosive force. Pluto demands exploration into the primal, reptilian emotions, the shadowy, violent, dark, intense shades of the human psyche. Pluto encourages purging, catharsis, exorcism of stagnant, piled up energies in order to bring transformation and evolution. Working on the Root Chakra, Kunadalini meditation, to awake the serpent fire/ energy within oneself is very helpful. To experience the seething, nuclear core within us..  of primal drives and instincts. Prayers to the wrathful forms of the divine, like Kali, Rudra, and chthonic-deities are helpful. 

Nakshatra/ Constellation: Pluto has been adopted in the Vedic pantheon as turbulent deity Rudra, embodying it's sharp energies. Hence I feel, Pluto strongly connects to Bharani (2)
because it's ruling deity is Yama, god of death, underworld, and Pluto connects to Hades, the underworld in Greek mythology. Bharani (2) is also and extreme, sharp Nakshatra connected with sex, birth, death, transformation, which are signified by Pluto. 
The second nakshatra connected with Pluto energies is Mula(19) or Moola(19) which I feel Pluto is a co ruler of, in addition to it's relevant traditional association to Ketu. Mula (19) represents the galactic centre  representative of Pluto energy. Mula's  deity is Nirrti, or Alaxmi, the opposite of  Laxmi, a powerful destructive goddess, which mirrors Pluto connected with The Furies, both of who are aspects of karmic retribution. 

Ketu currents

This 3rd blog of mine, Ketu currents, is based on narrative of Ketu related energies and experiences.  in my horoscope, an exploration of Ketu currents, hence the topic definitely deserves a elaborate introduction. 

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