Sunday, August 4, 2013

Rahu Ketu Karma

I've been consistently researching and writing about the serpentine nodes Rahu Ketu since 2007. And the journey has naturally evolved on it's own from Ayurvedic aspects, and further onwards to Karmic aspects. This is a natural unfolding on account of my energy clearing journey (Check my: Energy Clearing Blog. 

And this post represents the Karmic understanding of the serpentine nodes Rahu Ketu.  Basically the nine planets of Vedic astrology, and three outer planets of Western astrology are classified as  follows:

Vata Humour representing Air element, signifying : Saturn, Rahu, Mercury and Uranus. It connects to forces of movement, change, thought. Vata ruled signs are: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and the sign of Virgo, which is usually classified as Earth sign in western astrology, but represents role of gaseous elements in the digestive system, and rules over the large intestine!

Pitta Humour representing Fire element, signifying : Sun, Mars, Ketu and Pluto. It connects to forces of light, heat, combustion, burning, energy. Pitta ruled signs are: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and the sign of  Taurus, which is usually classified as Earth sign in western astrology, but represents the throat area, glands, thyroid functions, cerebellum, ruling and affecting galndular functions throughout the body.

Kapha Humour representing Water element, signifying : Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Neptune. It connects to inertia, preservation, mass, matter, physical bulk of things. Kapha ruled signs are: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and the sign of  Capricorn, which is usually classified as Earth sign in western astrology, but represents the bones, joints, skeletal structures holding the body together. 

Rahu is a Airy/ Vata force that is an amalgamation of  the Vata planets Saturn, Mercury, Uranus, and the Vata signs of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and Virgo. It also strongly connects to Kapha, earthy Venusian sign of Taurus. 

 Ketu is a Fiery/ Pitta force that is an amalgamation of  the planets Sun, Mars, Pluto and the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces. It also strongly connects to Kapha, watery Martian sign of  Scorpio.

Now, I shall bypass a lot of astrological layers, and Ayurvedic indications, and come to the heart of the matter, the Karmic aspect of Rahu Ketu...

Whenever, a person has created a lot of Vata karma in previous lives, namely by the indiscriminate , excessive,use of Mercury, Saturnine, Uranus qualities. The indiscriminate excessive use of communication skills of Gemini, the diplomatic, fickle, vacillating nature of Libra, the visionary, airy, fairy, idealistic perspective of Aquarius. Then, he has to balance out this life by doing Ketu karma. By embodying the emotional, physical, experiential process of Ketu energies. He has to sacrifice his genetically inherited excessive Vata nature and willfully connect to the physical, emotional, visceral lower Chakras of Ketu energy!!

Whenever, a person has created a lot of Kapha karma in previous lives, namely by the indiscriminate over-emotionality of  Cancer, churning intensity of Scorpio, mystical indulgence of Pisces, the excessive use of Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Neptune qualities. Or he has excessively used the introvert, homely security of Cancer, the intense, possessive, sexual, emotional nature of Scorpio, the indulgent, visionary, utopian, idealistic perspective of Pisces. Then, he has to balance out this life by doing Rahu karma. By embodying the airy, movement, intellectual, windy, mental, electrical  process of  Rahu energies. He has to sacrifice his karmic baggage, genetically inherited excessive Kapha nature and willfully connect to the mental, conceptual, creative upper Chakras of Rahu energy!!

Rahu, when it connects us to our upper chakras, gives us intelligence, intution, independence, originality, individuality, insight, ingenuity, inspiration, movement, rupture and stormy electrical energy neccessary to overcome our past life Kapha dosha excesses!! 
Ketu, when it connects us to our lower chakras. gives us emotional instinct, physicality, material experience, grounding, galndular support, reconnects us to strongly flowing undelrying emotional currents, intensity, penetration, combustion neccessary to overcome our past life Vata dosha excesses!!

Rahu connects us to cosmic intelligence, the sky, space, virtual dimensions, possibilities and future quantum probabilities.Ketu connects us to grounding, earthing, roots, inherited energies, undercurrents, and past life causal connections.

Long back I did my Mayan Dreamspell Calculation (click this link) and saw the result Red Galactic Earth.. makes sense from the Ketu perspective!


  1. Both rahu and ketu impacts are highly karmic in nature and it creates intermediate effects in the matrix of combined impacts of other planets...its highly individual experiential silent and sometimes crippy like movement of a serpent and its coil.its my personal intuitive and practioners point of view jai shanidev hari om

  2. Correction please its not crippy but creepy...
